
Title: お知らせ。
Tue 02nd May 2023 [10:49]
Name: kaikaya bts


Dear customers,
Thank you for using Kaikaya as always.
We’re very sorry but, We will be closedFrom May 1st to 4th. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you.

Sorry for the delay in letting you know.

Title: Dear Patricia san
Fri 28th Apr 2023 [22:59]
Name: kaikaya bts
Dear Patricia san.
The round dishes are Mino ware (Gifu prefecture) and the square plates are Shigaraki ware (Shiga prefecture), but we do not know who designed them. Both places have a sort of pottery center where anyone can purchase pottery, so why don't you go there on your next visit to Japan? We would be very happy if you could visit our place as well.
Thank you very much for your warm comments.
We look forward to seeing you again!!


Title: 東京マラソンナイト
Mon 06th Mar 2023 [13:14]
Name: kaikaya bts
写真は一昨日と昨日の二連荘でご来店頂いたトロントからのお客様達です。皆さんが掛けているメダルは2020年と2023年の東京マラソン完走メダル、、、つーことはマラソン前夜に22時まで呑んで食べて、マラソン後の午後6時からまた呑んで食べたと言う事😱 おまけに今日のフライトで帰国するとの事。めっちゃタフな方達。我々も楽しい時間を過ごしました。ありがとうございます🙏

The guests from Toronto, Canada. They came on the nights of March 4 and 5. And what a day it was, the day before and the day of the Tokyo Marathon! They ate and drank a lot before running 42.195 kilometers and ate and drank again after running. They were robust yet charming. We felt very happy to have such guests. Thank you!
*On their chests shone the 2020 and 2023 finisher's medals.

Title: お知らせ。
Tue 07th Feb 2023 [18:32]
Name: kaikaya bts
開花屋 by the sea
Dear customers
Thank you very much for using KAIKAYA as always.
March & April 2023, We're open from 5:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. (last order 9:30 p.m.).
And closed on the following dates
We are looking forward to your visit.
Thank you
KAIKAYA by the sea
All staff

Title: 来年も宜しくお願い申し上げます‼
Fri 30th Dec 2022 [22:04]
Name: kaikaya bts

開花屋 by the sea

Dear Customers from all over the world.

The year 2022, like last year, was a year of upheaval and turmoil. The re-spread and containment of the coronavirus, and the resulting changes in behavior of people around the world. Wars, inflation, resource shortages, energy problems, and more. As a person whose business is based on the bounty of nature, I spent the year thinking about what we can do, however little it may be. Since November, more and more people from overseas have been visiting Japan, and the number of customers visiting our restaurants has been increasing day by day. We are very grateful for this. We will continue to do our best to please our customers in the coming year. We look forward to your continued patronage.
*We will be open from 5:00 p.m. on January 5th.

December 31, 2022
KAIKAYA by the sea
All the staff